Before submitting your paper, read all submission and formatting, and terms and conditions, below. Also, please include your name and email in your paper for tracking purposes. Thank you for trusting us with your work.
We invite high-quality submissions that bear relevance to the U.S. and Allied Spacepower. If your submission is not related to Spacepower, then we are likely not a suitable publication venue. All submissions must be exclusive and original, and not promote a specific corporation, business, or any other non-governmental organization. We are unable to provide payment or royalty to authors, or its all-volunteer editorial board.
By agreeing to publish with us, authors agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth below.
Know your reader. Our target audience includes mid- to senior level government policymakers, NASA, the United States Space Force and other military services, civilian agencies, international partners, academics, advocates, and business professionals involved in the commercial, scientific, diplomatic, civil and national security space sectors. While many of our readers have military or space experience, for many this may be the first exposure to your topic. Please take care to explain concepts and contexts that are basic for your area of specialty — without dumbing them down. This level of detail information can be easily placed in endnotes to allow readers to delve more into an issue if needed.
Know our standard. Submissions are evaluated for originality, contribution to expanding the field of spacepower, and relevance to our readership. Your submission should be clear and establish a focus by providing your thesis in the first paragraph. Your submission should be well structured allowing ideas are developed through the logical, orderly progression of paragraphs. Your submission should also be well organized at the paragraph level, with each paragraph centered on a single, main idea. A paragraph is usually three or more sentences. Your submission should provide evidence that logically and clearly supports your thesis, argument, and evidence. Since we are an all-volunteer editorial board, it is important that your submission meet the above standard, below format, and be technically and stylistically sound. If you need to have a professional review your work before submitting to us, there are numerous online editors you can consult.
Cadence of Publication. We aim to publish articles as soon as they are completed to avoid delays.
How to submit. We only accept submissions as an attached Microsoft Word document format. We do not accept submissions via Google Doc or other such document sharing platforms due to incompatibility causing formatting issues.
Standard Length. Submissions may range in length between 1,000-3,000 words of main body text.
Abstracts. Submissions should include an abstract ranging between 150-200 words in length, with no acronyms, abbreviations, numbers, references, or citations. The abstract must, however, contain a basic-level introduction, rationale for the work, a statement of the main conclusion, and main findings that move the field forward.
Our promise to you. We pair your essays with our expert board members. They will never know your identity until your paper has been accepted. This process takes time, but it is worth it. If your submission is related to current news event, then we are likely not a suitable publication venue because we have a thorough review process. Our editor-in-chief filter submissions, our editorial board teams review them, work on them, ask authors to make corrections or revisions, and even then might decide to pass on essays for a variety of reasons. However, if we do pass on a full submission, we will provide you substantive feedback and even some recommendations so your essay can find a home elsewhere.
No double submissions. Do not send us an essay that has been concurrently submitted elsewhere and not withdrawn from consideration. We are an all-volunteer effort and our editors devote a lot of time into editing submissions. If we use that precious resource only to discover you have decided to publish your essay in another outlet, you will no longer be welcome to publish with us. If you decide to withdraw your submissions, you must do so in writing.
Cite your work. Any factual statements (speeches, statistics, events, etc.) and arguments of other thinkers must be cited in endnotes. Only one endnote per sentences and each endnote can have multiple sources contained within it.
Avoid unnecessary capitalization. It is the U.S. government, not the U.S. Government. In addition, while we love the U.S. Space Force, when referring to individuals in the Space Force, it is guardians, not Guardians. We think you catch our idea here.
Acronyms and abbreviations. Authors should avoid non-standard acronyms and abbreviations. If used, the author should spell out the term with a tag on the first use. For example, “The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a long history of international coordination.” Use United States as a noun and U.S. as an adjective. For example, “The United States landed a man on the moon, which was a tremendous success for the U.S. space program.”
Style. Turabian. Link to online Turabian help tool:
Abstract. Times New Roman, 12 point font, in italics.
Text. Times New Roman, 12 point font.
Endnotes. Times New Roman, 10 point font, Arabic numerals in accordance with Turabian style.
Margins. One inch margins all around for 8.5 x 11 inch portrait layout.
Spacing between bodies. The abstract, body of the paper, block quotations, table titles, figure captions, footnote/endnote citations, and appendices should be single-spaced.
Space between sentences. Your submission should only have one space only between a punctuation mark that ends a sentence and the first word of the next sentence.
Indentation. Begin each new paragraph without indenting the first sentence.
Block Citations. Quotes should be blocked if the cited language exceeds fifty words. Block cites should be justified and offset 1” from the left and right margins.
Page Numbers. Do not insert page numbers.
Hyperlinks. Do not insert hyperlinks in the text of your submission. However, you may include them in your endnotes.
Engagement and Relationships: We agree to publish, and author licenses us to publish their article, under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement.
Compensation: The author will not receive monetary compensation from us.
License: In exchange for publication and distribution at no cost to the author, the author grants us a permanent, nonexclusive, unrestricted, transferable, royalty-free license to publish and distribute the article, in whole or in part, as we deem appropriate. Distribution includes, but is not limited to, addresses on our standard distribution list, research aggregators, and other publishers. The article will be distributed in whatever quantities and at whatever times we determine is necessary and appropriate.
Format: We may, without limitation, publish or allow publishing of the article in hard copy and/or in any electronic or any other media format.
Development of the Article: We reserve the right to edit or otherwise modify the article as we deem appropriate. As part of its normal preparation for publication, we will typically (1) perform substantive and copy edits of the manuscript along with other quality-control measures to conform to standards and style; (2) create or further develop graphics to support the narrative content of the article.
Author Affirmations: The author affirms that the article will be original, will not infringe upon any copyright protections, and will not contain plagiarized text or graphics. The standards listed below reflect specific requirements for all articles submitted to us for publication.
Article Originality: The article has not appeared previously in any other publication, the author is sole owner of the article, that the material in the article is original, and that it does not infringe on any copyright interests.
Article Copyright and Use in Public Domain: The article is either not copyrighted or the author holds the sole copyright, and in either case, authors grant us nonexclusive world rights to their article. We may publish articles in any medium and in any form. We are in the public domain, and permission to reprint is hereby freely given.
Article Public Release Consideration: The article does not contain profane language or quotations containing profane language, and maintain collegial decorum in substance and content. The article has undergone proper vetting and public release review through the author's employer (if required). The article contains no classified or restricted information.
Article Reprints: We must be contacted to receive the right to grant reprint requests. All reprints will be acknowledged by a standard cite line on the first page of the reprinted article.
Author’s Obligation: The author must provide biographical data for author’s biography. The biographical data should include academic titles and military affiliation/rank. The author is also responsible for gaining clearance for a submission from their organization’s public affairs and security offices.
Author’s Name and Likeness: The author agrees that we shall have the right to use the author’s name, likeness, and biographical materials in the original article, in revised or derivative editions, or on our website and associated social media platforms.
Entire Agreement: This document constitutes the agreement between the parties and supersedes any other promises, conditions, understandings, or terms, whether oral or written.
Illustrations © James Vaughan, and used by permission. More of his work can be found here: .